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我有一个梦想(I Have a Dream)(精选多篇)

时间:2025-02-11 07:11:09
我有一个梦想(I Have a Dream)(精选多篇)(全文共1390字)

第一篇:I Have a dream 我有一个梦想

I Have a dream 我有一个梦想

martIn luther kIng, jr.马丁。路德金一百年前,一位伟大的美国人签署了解放黑奴宣言,今天我们就是在他的雕像前集会。这一庄严宣言犹如灯塔的光芒,给千百万在那摧残生命的不义之火中受煎熬的黑奴带来了希望。它的到来犹如欢乐的黎明,结束了束缚黑人的漫漫长夜。

fIve score years ago, a great amerIcan, In whose symbolIc shadow we stand today, sIgned the emancIpatIon proclamatIon. thIs momentous decree came as a great beacon lIght of hope to mIllIons of negro slaves who had been seared In the flames of wItherIng InjustIce. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long nIght of bad captIvIty.

然而一百年后的今天,黑人还没有得到自由,一百年后的今天,在种族隔离的镣铐和种族歧视的枷锁下,黑人的生活备受压榨。一百年后的今天,黑人仍生活在物质充裕的海洋中一个贫困的孤岛上。一百年后的今天,黑人仍然萎缩在美国社会的角落里,并且意识到自己是故土家园中的流亡者。今天我们在这里集会,就是要把这种骇人听闻的情况公诸于众。but one hundred years later, the negro stIll Is not free. one hundred years later, the lIfe of the negro Is stIll sadly crIppled by the manacles of segregatIon and the chaIns of dIscrImInatIon. one hundred years later, the negro lIves on a lonely Island of poverty In the mIdst of a vast ocean of materIal prosperIty. one hundred years later, the negro Is stIll languIshed In the corners of amerIcan socIety and fInds hImself an exIle In hIs own land. so we’ve come here today to dramatIze a shameful condItIon.


I am not unmIndful that some of you Have come here out of great trIals and trIbulatIons. some of you Have come fresh from narrow jaIl (请关注好 范 文 网:wWw.)cells. some of you Have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecutIon and staggered by the wInds of polIce brutalIty. you Have been the veterans of creatIve sufferIng. contInue to work wIth the faIth that unearned sufferIng Is redemptIve.


go back to mIssIssIppI, go back to alabama, go back to south carolIna, go back to georgIa, go back to louIsIana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cItIes, knowIng that somehow thIs sItuatIon can and wIll be changed. let us not wallow In the valley of despaIr.


I say to you today, my frIends, so even though we face the dIffIcultIes of today and tomorrow, I stIll Have a dream. It Is a dream deeply rooted In the amerIcan dream.我梦想有一天,这个国家会站立起来,真正实现其信条的真谛:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的;人人生而平等。”

I Have a dream that one day thIs natIon wIll rIse up, lIve up to the true meanIng of Its creed: “we hold these truths to be self-evIdent; that all men are created equal.”


I Have a dream that one day on the red hIlls of georgIa the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners wIll be able to sIt down together at the table of brotherhood.


I Have a dream that one day even the state of mIssIssIppI, a state swelterIng wIth the heat of InjustIce, swelterIng wIth the heat of oppressIon, wIll be transformed Into an oasIs of freedom and justIce.


I Have a dream that my four chIldren wIll one day lIve In a natIon where they wIll not be judged by the color If theIr skIn but by the content of theIr character.我今天有一个梦想。

我梦想有一天,阿拉巴马州能够有所转变,尽管该州州长现在仍然满口异议,反对联邦法令,但有着一日,那里的黑人男孩和女孩将能够与白人男孩和女孩情同骨肉,携手并进。 I Have a dream today.

I Have a dream that one day down In alabama wIth Its governor havIng hIs lIps drIppIng wIth the words of InterposItIon and nullIfIcatIon, one day rIght down In alabama lIttle black boys and black gIrls wIll be able to joIn hands wIth lIttle whIte boys and whIte gIrls as sIsters and brothers.


我梦想有一天,幽谷上升,高山下降,坎坷曲折之路成坦途,圣光披露,满照人间。 I Have a dream today.

I Have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hIll and mountaIn shall be made low, the rough places wIll be made plaIn, and the crooked places wIll be made straIght, and the glory of the lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see It together.


thIs Is our hope. thIs Is the faIth that I go back to the south wIth. wIth thIs faIth we wIll be able to hew out of the mountaIn of despaIr a stone of hope. wIth thIs faIth we wIll be able to transform the janglIng dIscords of our natIon Into a beautIful symphony of brotherhood. wIth thIs faIth we wIll be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jaIl together, to stand up for freedom together, knowIng that we wIll be free one day.


thIs wIll be the day when all of god’s chIldren wIll be able to sIng wIth new meanIng.my country, ’ tIs of thee,

sweet land of lIberty,

of thee I sIng:

land where my fathers dIed,

land of the pIlgrIms’ prIde,from every mountaInsIde

let freedom rIng.


and If amerIca Is to be a great natIon thIs must become true. so let freedom rIng from the prodIgIous hIlltops of new hampshIre.

let freedom rIng from the mIghty mountaIns of new york!

let freedom rIng from the heIghtenIng alleghenIes of pennsylvanIa!

let freedom rIng from the snowcapped rockIes of colorado!

let freedom rIng from the curvaceous slops of calIfornIa!

but not only that; let freedom rIng from stone mountaIn of georgIa!

let freedom rIng from lookout mountaIn of tennessee!

let freedom rIng from every hIll and molehIll of mIssIssIppI!

from every mountaInsIde, let freedom rIng!


when we let freedom rIng, when we let It rIng from every vIllage and every hamlet, from every state and every cIty, we wIll be able to speed up that day when all of god’s chIldren, black men and whIte men, jews and gentIles, protestants and catholIcs, wIll be able to joIn hands and sIng In the words of the old negro spIrItual, “free at last! free at last! thank god almIghty, we are free at last!”

第二篇:I Have a dream我有一个梦想

I Have a dream

good afternoon, my dear teachers and classmates. my name Is __________. I’m happy to stand here and I’m honored to gIve a speech. my topIc Is I Have a dream.

now I’ll talk about my dream. what’s my dream? now I’m a young gIrl wIth a new dream---to be a doctor. I want to be a famous doctor,helpIng the sIck and sanIng theIr lIves. why has my dream changed? well,at the age of 11,I was Ill, badly Ill. I was told that I had cancer. I Have to leave both my school and my frIends and go to the hospItal. every day I suffered the troubles caused by my Illness.

I also saw some people who were sufferIng and dyIng of Illnesses. I made up my mInd to become a doctor ,so that I can help the sIck people and cure them of theIr dIseases. chIna Is a developIng country. she needs good medIcIne and good doctors, especIally In the countrysIde and lonely vIllages.

I want to try my best to help the poor sIck people of our country. I want to let them Have an oppotunIty to receIve excellent treatments for theIr Illnesses wIthout havIng to pay much or any money. I’ll do every bIt cure the Incureable . I hope to see a world where there Is no cancer,no aIds,no fatal dIseases. I’m confIdent that through the joInt efforts of you and me; man wIll put an end to hIs bodIly sufferIngs and thIs dream of mIne wIll one day be brought Into realIty.

第三篇:I Have a dream我有一个梦想

I Have a dream


Have you ever lost yourself ? you don’t know where you should go ,what you should do. rIght? I dId. I was strugglIng to IdentIfy my posItIon In thIs world. I was lookIng for a good job to certIfy my capabIlIty and to afford my famIly to honor my parents.

as tIme goes by,I become matural.I know more about the world and myself. maybe I Have changed the dream I held a lIttle years ago. I Have new goal to stIck to . I don’t know If It wIll succeed . but at least now I Have enough passIon to do It.

to me ,college means more. I learned a lot from college.I majored In psychology .and It gave me a lot of InspIrItIon. I can understand thIs world from dIfferent perspectIve. you know ,psychology care about IndIvIdual.It Is neIther dIfferent from physIology nor socIology.

psychology maInly focuses on IndIvIdual development.only when everyone get the meanIng of theIr lIfe,can our whole socIety be more harmonIous.I do lIke thIs perspectIve.

of course, college told me the Importance of makIng a judgment from dIfferent perspectIves. only knowIng about every aspects of the problem, can we get a rIght conclusIon. so I learnt all kInds of knowledge In dIfferent areas.

to be honest, psy always makes me feel embarrassed,I can’t fInd a good job through It,whIch makes me face too much pressure. however,after havIng a relatIvely steady job, I paId more attentIon to the value of psychology for teachIng.

now I am an englIsh teacher workIng In a small vIllage . I really enjoy my work..I am always thInkIng of assocIatIng teachIng wIth psychology. I thInk It’ll benefIt both sIdes.

I ‘m agaIst that Idea lIke mental consultatIon or mental clInIc. It doesn’t work In chIna.

you know chInese people are pretty shy. they fear to lose faces .they fear others say they Have mental Illness. they are not wIllIng to share prIvate InformatIon wIth others. so I thInk the best way to help people establIsh an Integral personalIty Is by IndIrect path. for example,for students, we can let the Idea of psy penetrate Into other subjects such as math, chInese, and englIsh --. so I want to help my students shape Integral personalIty by teachIng englIsh.

when you don’t understand a passage,when you dou can’t hear the materIal clearly . you wIll feel upset. dIsappoInted. you are easy to quIt the study of englIsh .It’s tIme to test your persIstence. If the obstacles facIng you take place In real lIfe , wIll you also quIt?

anyway I thInk psy and englIsh teachIng can Interract very well.my dream Is to InspIre others by teachIng englIsh.

I love englIsh, she can provIde me wIth comprehensIve understandIng I need. as a language, englIsh Includes huge InformatIon comIng from dIfferent subjects. you’d better know more about all kInds of knowledge ,or you are not qualIfIed to be a good englIsh teacher.

now I Haven’t master englIsh yet.I stIll need to practIce spoken englIsh.no matter how dIffIcult It Is, I ‘ll do my best. as the sayIng goes,a person can only do one thIng In hIs whole lIfe. what I want to do Is beIng a good englIsh teacher and InspIrIng them to Have a posItIve attItude towards lIfe. so thIs Is my dream ,thank you.

第四篇:I Have a dream 我有一个梦想

I Have dream

I Have a great dream. In wenzhou ,there are many successful busIness man. I want be one of them. we all know zhengzhou er Is good at sellIng, clothes, bags, shoes, fIre-lIghters. we are famous for our loyalty and wIts. but now a bIg challenge Is waItIng for me. my famIly saId It Is good to be a teacher. howshould I respond ?I wIll tell them I want the fame of wenzhou to be bIgger and better.please Have my back.

第五篇:I Have a dream我有一个梦想

I Have a dream

everyone has a dream. now I'll talk about my dream. what Is my dream? I often ask myselffrom the bottom of my heart. to my mInd, everyone should Have hIs own dream. I thInk that we Have dream meanIng we Have a Ideal, then we do everythIng all Is for the target .so we Have a goal to realIze It, I thInk we don't blIndness at least.

my dream was to be a Ideology and moralIty teacher of junIor hIgh school when I was a lIttle boy,sInce then I Have been thInk junIor hIgh school Is the best tIme of lIfe,at that tIme, I could see all kInds of classmates,some people are smart,they does well In every subject,some people often play jokes on me ,whIch made me angry about them,what’s more, our school helda sprIng outIng or autumn actIvItIes each semester,above all, I could see the gIrl's

Innocent smIle what I can’t see pratIcally now. wIthout those good thIngs sometImes I become dIstressed.

due to varIous reasons, I realIzed that I unable to achIeve the dream of chIldhood.so as tIme went on, I changed my dream a few years ago, I had become more and more practIcal from then to now, I try to do the meanIngful thIngs whIch I lIke to do all by myself. I rarely seek help from others, because I thInk someone else Is not necessarIly better than me.

at present, my dream Is very sImple,whIch Is the same as before,I just want to set up a convenIence store near the junIor hIgh school where the locatIon Is close to the attractIons. only In thIs way can I see somethIng I want to see, I don't lIke that kInd of ambIguIty between men and womenIn the unIversIty, I hope that boys and gIrls at school to keep frIendshIp forever. although love Is very beautIful, but It should appear In the best stage.I hope everyone In the study perIod to keep the dIstance between the men and women, to keep the Innocence of chIldhood. I don't lIke to see a gIrl wIth a group of boys went out to dInner, I wIll be heart broken every encounter such a thIng. when It comes to here, I wIll mIss my junIor hIgh school, those people, those thIngs, makes me memorable…

gettIng closer and closer to the day of graduatIon, I am not far away wIth the day to make my dream come true, I Have confIdence In my lIfe, I wIll try my best to use the fastest speed to achIeve my dream, where there Is a wIll, there Is a way. don't belIeve other people better than me, as long as I decIded to do one thIng, I wIll do It well. I know fantasy Is hard to realIze, but dream can. I wIll work hard for my dream, I wIll never gIve up.

chIldhood dream Is my InItIal dream, only through the next generatIon to be realIzed, I hope my next generatIon to be a good teacher, to help those students In need of help, to brIng warmth to those calssmates who lack of love, to comfort the sad , the most Important thIng Is to cultIvate moral, Have Ideal, Have culture, Have dIscIplIne "four Haves" cItIzens.

now everythIng I do all Is close to my dream. I fell the lIfe Is fIll wIth hope and colorful, and Have enough confIdence to realIze It.

I know fantasy Is hard to come true, but dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams,I’ll never gIve up.

《我有一个梦想(I Have a Dream)(精选多篇)(全文共1390字).doc》
